ABA Networking - Energy and the Environment

While in DC, I've kept my eye out for various events to attend that I will not have access to back in Williamsburg.  For example, networking has been a great resource for reaching out to people in various fields of interest, including both international law and environmental law.

I joined the Environmental Law Institute as a student member, and I kept up to date with events. Yesterday was the Annual Summer Reception, where those in all aspects of environmental law (private practice, non-profit, government) came together for drinks and snacks at a big law firm in DC. I ended up making several very helpful connections, and I have reached out to and spoken with some people that I met. One of the most interesting things I found out was that so many people have done both government work and private practice, and people spoke highly of working for the DOJ under the ENRD. Some mentioned working for the EPA or DOJ was the best job they ever had. Lastly, a partner at Crowell Moring told me that his only regret is that he did not clerk for a year, and he highly recommended I look for a clerkship after graduation.

This geographic area feels so vast, but once you meet people in certain areas of work, it gives it a smaller community feel. Those at the event seemed to know each other from prior work experience. I spoke with two other WM Law students who were there and are currently interning at the EPA. I definitely have a long list of organizations to look into now, but it is good to have more options than fewer.